Dance goals and learning how to set them is of the most valuable skills we can teach our dancers. The skill of setting dance goals and working towards achieving them is clearly valuable for dancer development but is also an incredibly useful tool that students can take with them and apply to all areas of their life.  

“If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today” – African Proverb

Setting dance goals, the idea of working step by step towards something can be difficult for young dancers to grasp and without the proper help, support and knowledge, dancers may find it hard to progress beyond the goal setting phase. This cute bucket list goal setting worksheet is part of the Goal Setting for Dancers Resource pack – a series of worksheets designed to scaffold the process of setting and achieving dance goals. Covered in the pack are concepts like, SMART goals, overcoming roadblocks, setting mini goals and a collection of weekly goal setting sheets designed to appeal to all ages. The goal setting resource pack is an amazing tool to fast track dancer success.

You can check out the goal setting for dancers resource pack here and you can download this Dance goals Bucket List worksheet by entering your email below. The Bucket List worksheet is a fun and highly motivating exercise where the whole class writes down one goal they would like to achieve and then pop it in a bucket. At regular intervals the class can revisit the goal they set – if they are still working on the goal, back into the bucket it goes, If they have achieved their goal, time for a new one!

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

You can find read more about setting and achieving dance goals in these articles

Goal setting for dancers

Turning can’t into can

Growth mindset and dance


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