Growth mindset for dancers resource kit



growth mindset for dancers resource kit

Its finally here! The Growth Mindset for dancers resource kit! Since I started implementing growth mindset into my teaching the impact has been astounding. It is a total game changer! Once your students let go of their fear of failure, of their belief that their abilities are fixed the transformation is mind-blowing. Unleashing the power of a growth mindset unlocks the door to outstanding results and a whole new level of success. Say hello to engaged and focussed dancers who truly believe in themselves, who are not afraid to try, fail and try again. Say hello to truly coachable students.

The growth mindset for dancers resource kits includes an ebook outlining the basic principles of praise and growth mindset to give you, as a teacher, an overview of this powerful research. Also included are TEN printables which you can use in a workshop setting or as part of your regular classes to help introduce your students to growth mindset, to help them understand the power of yet, to equate effort and work with success and to introduce them to different types of goal setting. Suggested uses for each printable are included along with the message each sheet is designed to convey. These printables are designed for both completing as worksheets and displaying in your studio etc.

This is such a great investment in your students and is a complete game changer for your teaching and for dancer development. Understanding growth mindset is the key to helping your students enjoy a whole different level of success provides them with tools and skills that will benefit them in all areas of their life.growth mindset for dancers resource kit