Preschool Dance coloring pages – printables

Printables -Preschool Dance Coloring Pages

Coloring pages are perfect for Preschool dance students!  Not only do they LOVE to get a special colouring page from their teacher but they help to reinforce different steps and positions learnt in class.  In the first few terms of Preschool Dance lessons, I incorporate ‘Ballet Quiz’.  Each week I select a few students to have a turn out in front of the class to show off one of the new steps or positions they have learnt. I call out the step or position, like plié or second position. I am always on standby to help them just incase so it remains a positive experience and they just ADORE showing off what they have learnt! Preschool Dance Colouring Pages are a great addition to ‘Ballet Quiz’.  Not only do your baby ballerinas have fun colouring it helps them to remember all the funny sounding steps and new positions. Preschool Dance colouring pages are also great to use at ballet parties or special holiday programs or dance camps.

if you are looking for more resources for teaching  Preschool Dance, check out the ultimate Blueprint class plan for teaching me and my grown up classes. You can find it here. I actually find mommy and me one of the most fun preschool classes to teach and this is the class plan I use – minimal stopping, different phases, transitions between each phase – before I know it – the class is over and I’m giving out stickers!

valentines preschool ballet

The first Preschool Dance Printable features Nina ballerina showing off her  Plié.  Download your free Plié colouring sheet by entering your email below.  More coming soon.  If you have any requests for different positions or steps you would like to see, just let me know. 


preschool dance colouring pages

For more great Preschool Dance ideas check out this post on 5 things you won’t want to teach Preschool Dance without, this one on how to use place markers in Preschool Dance class and this one on 5 great Preschool Dance action songs.


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