
Looking for new music for ballet class?

Looking for new music for ballet class?

Music for ballet class Wheh I first started learning ballet my teacher used a reel to reel to provide our music for ballet class.  Sometimes it would break down and she would use a pencil to wind it round as we danced. I loved it when she would rewind and we would...

Growth mindset for dancers – resource kit

Growth mindset for dancers – resource kit

Growth mindset for dancers – resource kit Since I started implementing growth mindset research into my teaching, the change in my dancers has been phenomenal.  It is a total game changer.  The growth mindset for dancers resource kit helps your dancers to let go...

Props for Preschool Dance class

Props for Preschool Dance class

Props for Preschool Dance Class are an absolute must have. The kids love to use them, they provide an extra element of magic and creative play and the inclusion of props for Preschool Dance class  helps to structure your class. If you are looking for Preschool Dance...

Teaching teenagers ballet.

Teaching teenagers ballet.

Teaching teenagers ballet – the challenge I know we’ve all been there. We love ballet, we love teaching, but then, you are suddenly faced with the class from hell….Teen Ballet. The challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to figure out how on earth...


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